Freedom's Educational Program
- Small School Size
- Advisement in the ACE/AVID Class
- Point System
- Grades
- Self-Progress
- Good Standing
- Homework
- Student-Led Conferences (Evaluation Conferences)
- StudentVUE and ParentVUE
- Parent Volunteers
Small School Size
Advisement in the ACE/AVID Class
This is a required elective. In the “ACE/AVID” class, students develop their individual plan for successful completion of high school using AVID strategies. Students will create their Next Step Plan and report Work/Study hours. Students will learn study and test taking skills and school-to-work skills. Advisement provides for community building, which is a core component of FHS’s success with students. Elective credits can be awarded through the class for every ninety (90) hours of documented paid employment or volunteer time. Additionally, students will create a portfolio that will demonstrate acquisition of academic and prosocial goals.
As part of the process during six-week student-led conferences, students are expected to present and discuss their grades, progress towards their academic and pro-social goals with their parent/guardian. Advisors will help students set goals for the six-week grading period and build presentations showing progress toward completion of each goal. As part of the process during six-week evaluation meetings, students are expected to present and discuss their progress with their parent/guardian. Students who do not complete their presentation by the designated time set by the Advisor will not receive points for work done in ACE for that six-week grading period.
Point System
Unlike traditional schools, the points given for an assignment do not calculate into a letter grade. Instead, our point system and letter grades are separate. The point system at Freedom High School is used to track progress towards graduation. Each time a student earns 18 points in a course, she or he has earned half (1/2) credit and is that much closer to graduation. Teachers assign points to tests, quizzes, reflection journals, projects, essays, science labs, reading textbooks and articles etc. In general, we expect most students who are working hard to earn one point per class per week. That would be 18 points per class in a semester.
Because the rate of a student’s progress through a course cannot be easily assessed within the context of a semester, points indicate how far a student has progressed in meeting the standards for a specific course. Points are not awarded until a student is proficient in the content standards of the specified course.
All courses are based on a 36 point system tied to the course standards
- 36 points = proficient in all standards for a full credit course (1 credit –the grade determined as above)
- 18 points= proficient in all standards for a .5 credit course or half the standards for a full credit course (.5 credit –the grade determined as above)
Students may achieve credit more quickly, by meeting standards more quickly. If a student earns less than 6 points in six weeks toward proficiency in standards the behaviors or situation that may have caused this will be discussed at evaluations and if a student needs to change their behavior (ditching, not doing the work etc.) they will be put on academic contract. Appropriate support will be offered and if a student fails to meet the terms of the contract they may be dropped from the program and will be required to petition to return to Freedom.
A student must produce work at a 70% or better to earn points on an assignment. If two students complete an essay, and one does it at a C level and another at an A level, the letter grade is recorded in the grade book and ultimately course grades are reported on a student’s transcript. Both students would earn the same number of points, but the difference is reflected in the letter grade. If a student submits work that is below a 70%, the student needs more time, practice, support to meet the academic standards established by Albuquerque Public Schools and our school.
Students who understand course content and/or have mastered requisite skills can move at a faster pace than the rest of the students in the class. Students who need more time, practice, support can move at a slower pace than the rest of the class. Because the teachers know their students well and have smaller class sizes, they are free to make such adjustments. Students do not have to complete 18 points in a class per semester. Students who earn 18 points in less time than an 18 week semester are granted their ½ credit and then moved into the next course they need to graduate. If a student takes more than a semester to earn his/her 18 points, that is okay. The points earned in a semester are carried over into the next semester.
Good Standing
We define “good standing” as attending school daily, following the rules, being on time for class, and working steadily to earn points. Students are NOT allowed to have unexcused absences, be off task, accumulate excessive tardiness, and not earn points at the expected rate. When such situations happen, we hold a parent-teacher-student conference called a “Staffing” put the student on a contract.
Students who are in good standing may request homework to accelerate the accumulation of points and move through the course curriculum at an accelerated pace. Some students who need more practice may be also be given homework. Otherwise, homework is a privilege that must be earned. Assignments are completed in the classroom under the supervision of the teacher, so they can provide real time feedback. Please see your teachers’ syllabus for specific homework policies.
Student-Led Conferences (Evaluation Conferences)
Parent/guardian/family support contributes greatly to the success of students in reaching their goals. Student evaluations/parent conferences occur every grading period. At this time, the student’s school performance is evaluated. The student, parents, and the student’s advisor attend this meeting so that the student may present their portfolio, problems and barriers to student success can be addressed. Progress through ParentVue will also be reviewed in order to monitor and adjust academic and pro-social goals. Students can earn 1 point in the ACE/AVID class for each evaluation just for having a parent/guardian attend. In addition to conferences/evaluations, parents should expect points and attendance to be uploaded to ParentVue every Monday.
StudentVUE and ParentVUE
At Freedom, students are expected to take responsibility for their education. Information is the key to taking responsibility. Successful students rely on frequent, current information, such as progress reports to give themselves the best opportunity to progress and graduate. Students may acquire their points, attendance and assignments by frequently checking their StudentVUE Account. Parents will be able to monitor student progress, attendance and contact teachers through ParentVUE.
Parent Volunteers
Parents are invited to volunteer at Freedom and can do so on a regular basis or for a specific short-term purpose such as giving a presentation in their area of expertise. Parents have also volunteered to help with symposium presentations, standardized testing, answering phones, grant writing, and supervising field trips. We welcome and appreciate the support of our parent community.