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APS has implemented a new, online transcript request process called Parchment. First go to the Parchment website and create a free account. Transcript requests are then sent to our Registrar who will process the request within 48 hours. You will then receive an email notification once the transcript is sent. If you encounter problems setting up your account or requesting your transcript, please email the registrar.

  • Transcripts require a $3.00 processing fee for current students and $5.00 for graduates
  • Transcript requests cannot be made by phone
  • Parents cannot request records for a student if the student is over 18 years of age
  • Transcripts will not be released if a student has an outstanding balance or any type of hold

Please contact the registrarwith questions. Please note: It may take up to 24 hours for a response.

Contact Information

Anita Montano
Attendance Clerk and Registrar

Phone: (505) 884-6012, ext. 46505